World Class Supplier of Glass Sand Production Plants
In the market for silica and glass sand processing proper sampling is a paramount importance. This will enable all experts involved in the project to perform tests which will allow a detailed flow development, proper equipment and plant sizing, material balancing, operational cost estimation and last but not least defining product guarantees. The silica (SiO2) content in the sand is of crucial importance for its application as a raw material in glass making.
In our modern, state-of-the art technical laboratory, located in Germany we can perform these wide range of analysis and tests (lab to pilot scales). It is equipped with all important equipment and process units, able to execute and to simulate all major steps of wet mechanical processes.
• Determination of solid content and slurry densities
• Determination of physical and chemical properties
• Digital microscopy
• L.O. I. (Loss On Ignition)
• Screening and laser granulometry particle size analysis
• Chemical analysis (XRF)
• Mineralogical analysis (XRD)
Lab Scale / Pilot Scale Tests
• Classifying
• Sorting
• Solid / liquid separation
• Gravimetric separation
• Thickening
• Dewatering
• Magnetic separation

Equipment for Glass Sand Production
• AKA-SCREEN Wet Classification Screens: for fine screening
• AKA-VORTEX Hydrocyclones: for solid-liquid separation, classification, sorting and desliming
• AKA-SPIDER Hydrocyclone Distributors: for even distribution of the suspension
• AKA-TRIT High Performance Attrition Cells: for efficient surface scrubbing
• AKA-SIZER Upstream Classifiers: for sharp classification
• AKA-MULTISIZER Multi Chamber Upstream Classifier: for decomposing
• AKA-SPIN: Spirals: for gravity separation and sorting
• AKA-SET High Performance Thickeners: for process water clarification and slurry thickening
Technical Laboratory & Trials
Our modern technical laboratory can perform a wide range of analysis and tests (lab to pilot scales)
Process evaluation, basic engineering, detail engineering, plant realization until take over
Equipment & Process Units
Design and installation of proprietary equipment, as well as integration of purchased parts
Plant Realization
Planning, design, construction and commissioning of turnkey plants, as well as retrofitting or optimization of existing plants
Spare Parts & Service
After Sales services, including but not limited to the supply of spare parts
Realized Silica/Glass Sand Processing Plants – Extract

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Company Background / History
AKW Equipment + Process Design is a privately owned company specializing internationally in process technology, engineering, equipment as well as plant construction and service in the field of mineral processing and environmental technology.
Based on its process engineering developments, the company offers practice-oriented and individually tailored solutions for wet-mechanical treatment solutions. Depending on the application, systems are planned and constructed as stationary, semi-mobile, or highly mobile concepts on roll-off frames or semi-trailers.
Process development and plant construction from AKW Equipment + Process Design are based on many years of experience, professionalism, and know-how. Modern system technology and own proprietary equipment, combined with purchased elements, guarantee a consistently high and international level of quality.
Already more than 100 years ago, kaolin, feldspar, and silica sand were produced in Hirschau, which is located in the north of Bavaria, Germany, where AKW Equipment + Process Design was founded in April 1963 to support the local industrial mineral resource producers in multiple ways: improve current production performances, invent new processes for new products and applications, debottleneck existing process steps, and so much more. Up until today, our Headquarters and major engineering resources are still located within this area.
Step by step, the success and reputation of the company also naturally led to the supply of international projects across the world. This made the company what it is today: one of the leading specialists for high-quality equipment and plants for the wet mechanical processing and valorizing of mineral resources.