
Elettromeccanica Bovone S.r.l.
Elettromeccanica Bovone S.r.l.
Refractories Experience S.r.l.
Refractories Experience S.r.l.
Pneumofore S.p.A.
Pneumofore S.p.A.

Glass Directory

Supplier / Machinery > Treatment of Glass > Accessories > Diamond Tools

We are Europe's leading supplier of glass solutions, providing products for glass companies, the trade, retail and industry. Our range includes, among other things, hardware for glass balustrades, sliding doors, showers, handling equipment, tools,...
If you are looking for a highly innovative glass separation process, we offer great experience and new ideas for your specific glass processing applications. We offer laser equipped glass processing systems (CO2 laser & green laser) for...
China (PeopleĀ“s Republic)
Manufacturer and supplier of polishing wheels, diamond wheels, resin wheels, arris wheels, and diamond drills & milling tools for all standard machine & equipment for glass processing. 10S polishing, BK polishing, BD polishing in cup & peripheral...
China (PeopleĀ“s Republic)
diamond wheels, resin wheels, polishing wheels, drilling bits, 10S polishing wheels, CE-3 glass polishing wheels, BK glass polishing wheels, BD glass polishing wheels, polyurethane polishing pads, polishing dish, cutting disc, glass tools, synthetic...